From Milena. A little introduction to this recipe that was emailed to me by Prerna to be posted on this blog.

Virendra in his last period didn't eat much. Actually he didn't eat at all.
He enjoyed only soups. When he described to me what he eats he kept on saying:"Prerna -with a smile on his face- makes such a delicious soup for me. Though I can only drink the broth. Also a tomato soup that Prerna - with a smile- makes can go down my throat. "

One day I prepared the Virendra's soup recipe you see below and it took me more then an hour to cut the veggies very fine and go through the exact procedure and cooking instruction that Prerna had given to me on a neat piece of paper. She did it for him for weeks in a row.

In his last days even the "wonderful Prerna's soup" was even too much for him.

It was so unbelievable sweet when he would make comment about his long hair becoming few tufts of hair after the Chemio. I don't care if I have only few long hair left, Prerna is the one that looks at me all the time. If she likes it that way I am fine with it. If she wants to cut it I am fine too. And then his smile was just radiating acceptance to what is and deep devotion for the woman that cared for him till his last day.

Virendra’s groenten soep

stukje gember

stukje geelwortel

150 g pompoen
50 g wortel
100 g champignons
50 g aubergine
50 g biet
25 g spercibonen
11/2 liter water
2 afgestreken theelepels sambal badjak
Gebruik de food chopper, of snij alles zeer fijn en breng alles aan de kook voor 5 minuten, verlaag de vlam en laat sudderen. Zet wekker voor 15 minuten.
Voeg 4 eetlepels soya saus toe.
Eerst de volgende groenten wegen, dan 4 minuten voor de wekker afgaat snij ze zeer fijn.
30 g courgette
75 g spitskool
l50 g prei (food chopper werkt niet goed)
100 g broccoli (kijk uit voor zwarte vlekken)
1 groot teentje knoflook
Voeg dit alles aan de sudderen soep toe en erdoorheen roeren. Als de soep weer gaat sudderen, zet de wekker voor 15 minuten. Zodra het afgekoeld is zet de soep in de koelkast.
Drie keer per dag serveren. Stomp eerst de soep een beetje, roeren, dan zeef maar 1 kop met de theezeefje. Opwarmen maar niet koken. Maakt genoeg voor 1 ½ dagen.