At the end of the Sufi dance in de Oude Kerk 14 feb. 09
On the 28th of Januari Sami Anand Virendra left his body.
He lived almost all his life in the city of Amsterdam.
Virendra's search started when he was 10 years old and one of his uncles gave him a book about space. He told one of his friends that seeing that book he suddenly was there.
In the 70-ies he went to Osho.
He was one of the first people supporting Amitabh, the Osho Meditation Center on a boat in an Amsterdam canal.
On his funeral many people talked about that, they did their first Dynamic Meditation, Vipassana or Meditation weekend with him. Virendra loved Tai-chi, Sufidance and doing everything in a very regular order.
That gave him the time and rest for his great love, meditation.
Many also may have known him from the Stad Rajneesh in Amsterdam were he lived many years and took well care for the financial administration of that commune.
Among many friends and lovers Virendra had two longtime time lovers, Wirla and Prerna.
With Wirla he lived many years together in the Commune in Amsterdam and also with Prerna he lived for many years together in the Commune and after they moved out.
At one time Virendra and me gave meditation' s classes in community centers in Amsterdam.
When later Prerna spend some years in America, I was close with him too, for some time.
Last year Virendra got ill and at some point it turned out nothing could be done about it. For the last months Virendra could only sleep sitting up. The care and love from Prerna was comforting Virendra. I never heard a complain from him and seeing Virendra in his last weeks always left me with an unexpected unknown joyous feeling. At one point when he only could breath more and more difficult he decided that it was time to take off.
It was precious to take care of his body, together with Wirla and Prerna. It was cold winter and nature supported in that way that his body could stay home for a whole week. Sitting there with him one could always feel lifted up in a beautiful space. Many friends came at the house and later to his funeral were we sang his loved songs. Also when the flames transformed his body.
A few weeks later his friends held a SufiHeartDance where he was invited and remembered.
These spring days, walking along the canals in Amsterdam I often sing a song for him and remember his gentle being.