Some pictures of a nice day singing and dancing heart dance with Rangini and the Friend of Virendra. In Wajid on the 16 of January.

When we danced the song "Rejoice in the Lord" Rangini told everyone present that Virendra really liked the song, only he couldn't really say "Lord" actually he did not wanted, instead he changed into the word "Void."

Rejoice in the Lord ( Void) always
Rejoice, rejoice
and again I say rejoice

I remember having a discussion about this with him in his last weeks. He was all for emptiness and void, and nothingness and I love to call on God, the Lord, the Almighty Father the fullness of life and the richness of dying.
Just two different ways although a common past in our time with Osho, still so many ways to express the Ultimate. I like the dance of the Lover with the Beloved like the Sufi and Christian mystics, Virendra liked the sense of "nothingness".

Some people sang Lord and some used the word Void. Pick the one that resonates with you.
As long as you rejoice in whatever happens to you with gentle acceptance and a heart in love, then all is okay.